Energomontaż-Południe SA is a company specialised in assembly, modernisation and repair of machines and installation for utility and industrial power plants as well as combined heat and power plants. The Company is also very active in the sphere of construction of new, complete power facilities.
In this scope, Energomontaż performs comprehensive works comprising:
- power boilers,
- auxiliary devices and installations for power boilers,
- steam and technological pipelines,
- flue gas and air ducts,
- steel structures.
Energomontaż-Południe SA also provides its services to coking plants, cement plants as well as chemical and refining plants in the scope of installation and assembly or industrial machinery and systems.
The Company's basic activity is supported by the Industrial Production Plant handling manufacture of products like:
- load bearing and supporting structures of steel,
- non-pressurised boiler components,
- flue gas and air ducts as well as steel smokestacks,
- large-size waste-gates, dampers and tanks.
Many years of experience, highly qualified personnel and close collaboration with companies representing various industries enables us to implement state-of-the-art installation technologies for power generation machinery as well as industrial devices and materials.
The range of services delivered by the Company is complemented by specialised training centres: Training Center and Laboratory and Testing Center.
The training services rendered include organisation of courses in the scope of welding, soldering, oxygen-cutting, plasma-cutting, bonding of plastics, building engineering, control and supervision, industrial health and safety, and many other.
The Laboratory operated by Energomontaż-Południe SA renders services in the scope of destructive and non-destructive tests, apparatus maintenance, calibration of instruments as well as service and repair of thermal processing devices.
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