string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt671775b04ef71'" string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt671775b04f061'"  Printing Current Reports
Energomontaż Południe

Schedule for the publication of periodic reports in 2013

Publish date: 01.31.2013

Acting pursuant to Article 103 par. 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information [...] of 19 February 2009 (the Regulation) the management board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. in company voluntary arrangement (the Issuer) announces the dates on which periodic reports will be made available to the public in 2013 ...

Acting pursuant to Article 103 par. 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information [...] of 19 February 2009 (the Regulation), the management board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. in company voluntary arrangement (the Issuer) announces the dates on which periodic reports will be made available to the public in 2013.

Extended consolidated quarterly reports:
Q4 2012 - 01.03.2013
Q1 2013 - 15.05.2013
Q3 2013 - 14.11.2013

Extended consolidated report for the first half of 2013 - 02.09.2013

Annual reports:
Non-consolidated annual report for 2012 - 30.04.2013
Consolidated annual report for 2012 - 30.04.2013

The Issuer announces that, acting on the basis of Article 101 par. 2 of the Regulation, it has decided not to publish a periodic report for the second quarter of 2013.

At the same time, the Issuer announces that in 2013 it will continue to publish extended consolidated quarterly reports containing quarterly financial information as referred to in Article 83 par. 1 of the Regulation, as well as an extended consolidated half-yearly report, containing short-form half-yearly financial statements as referred to in Article 83 par. 3 of the Regulation.

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